Babies and small children
Babies and Children -Babies and small children are always welcome to remain in Church. However, you are kindly requested to take your child to the back of the Church, behind the glass wall, if they are particularly disruptive. If you bring toys to the Church, please ensure they are not hard or noisy. Soft toys only please. Many thanks.
Holy Cross Children’s Liturgy – during term time only takes place weekly at the 9.45am Mass. This is for children from age 3 upwards to School Year 2. Please bring your children to the side sacristy (by Our Lady’s Chapel) before Mass starts to be collected by their catechists. Please be on time, as children will not be admitted once Mass starts. They will return in time for the Lord’s prayer.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY NOTICE – The Children’s Liturgy held during Family Mass will be temporarily suspended until further notice. We would like to express our gratitude to all the volunteer Catechists who have dedicated their time to support our parish. We eagerly anticipate resuming this wonderful ministry for our young ones when the time is appropriate. In the meantime, we invite all children to join us for Family Mass in our ongoing effort to make it more welcoming and enjoyable for them. For any enquiries, please contact Maria at